preamp w/ cinema bypass / SSP loop for about 1k

The age old question of integrating 2 channel into HT setup rears its ugly head once more. I've got around $1000 to spend, give or take, on a new preamp to match with an Odyssey Stratos stereo amp. Preamp must have remote control, at least for volume. I'm letting a denon avr-3300 run the home theater, which it does well, it just can't produce the 2 channel sound I'm looking for. There are SO MANY options for preamps. Not just tube, SS, or hybrid, but active, passive, and $$$! SO - for around a $1000, what's the best option with a remote? phono stage not needed in my setup. I've seen quicksilver preamps, sonic frontiers, van alstines, CJ's, McCormak's, Rogue....what's a man to do?

Showing 2 responses by dklap

thanks for your suggestions -

i'll start looking to see what's available. will keep you posted.

still haven't purchased anything...had a baby girl! now looking to find the right pre, or a musical pre-pro, and move the denon to the bedroom. any new suggestions?