odyssey amp's how do they compare to others

are other amp's just over priced? could most people tell one amp from another if it was covered with a cardboard box?the stratos seem to get rave reveiws.am I just crazy to send more money on other move expensive amps.thanks in advance to everybody this is a great website
I'll stand corrected by Klaus, now that I've looked more closely at the rating scale in Audioreview. I just assumed for the overall rating: 1 meant crappy product, 5 meant the best. As it turns out while 3 is "average product" and 4 is "very good product", 5 means "far better than you imagined". So all those folks got a product that is far better than they imagined it would be. While I think the Audioreview's progression from a 4 to 5 rating is a bit screwy, I can't knock the people that use it. As a happy owner, I can believe that the Odyssey has exceeded expectations.

A$$, you, me - I got it! Sorry about the mixup.

I just read Klaus' response and what I wrote and see why he thinks I was talking about two people with monoblocks who thought they were "ordinary". Well I have to clarify again what I meant to say. I meant to say that I am considering buying the Stratos monoblocks and contacted two people who had sold their Odyssey Stratos, which is to say they were not monoblocks. Now that I have said that I have more to say. First Klaus, 99.9% of us are not out to discredit you or anyone else. Universally you are known as a gentleman, I sure thought so after talking with you and by golly I bet we are also, except those of us who are gentlewomen. That said, we are pretty close to exactly where this started, with no one giving any indication of how the amp compares next to another amp that we might be familiar with. I almost emailed Nikonf to thank him for asking the question yesterday before there were any responses because I have been wondering exactly the same thing. A lot of us live out here in the country (Vermont for me) without a person around with your equipment.

As an owner of Stratos and Monos, I should say that these AMPS are freaking amazing value for $$ AND ABLE performers.

I have not yet posted my review on AR(I will soon)- but I should add that the review of Odyssey Amps is like the Titan II LE Subwoofer- happy customers, amazing product and excellent price-point. If one is saying that many of these reviews are shit-take a hike.

Back to Stratos- they offer great dynamics and slam and have been very consistent in different set-ups. The monoblocks are even better :)..I am dying to bi-amp my speakers with monos.

You will not be disappointed with the stratos or Klaus who offers excellent customer service and is no BS guy.

Well said, Klaus. Some people will always be skeptical. The more info you give them, the more they love to fire back at you.

From all that I've heard, Klause has really done a magnificent job of taking a product design, reworking it (with permission) so that those among us who cannot afford expensive gear, can reap the same, or even better sonic benefits than gear costing multiple times. He is to be commended for not only trying such an endeavor but for apparently succeeding quite well.

I almost purchased a pair of monoblock Stratos last Spring. But in the end, I held out for a McCormack DNA-2 LAE (Limited Anniversary Edition). The only amp the IAR (Intern'l Audio Review) reviewer claims is better than the Stratos back in 1999 and costs about 7 times more retail.

Because they are mail-order only, I've never listened to the Stratos, but my brother and a friend purchased a pair of mono's 6 months ago, and they thoroughly enjoy them. A third person just emailed me two days ago to say he just put his order in for one Stratos.

Now if only Klause would loan me a pair of Stratos so I could A/B compare them to my DNA-2 LAE. Then I could really speak with authority. :)


No problem at all. My response wasn't directed at you at all. As for A/B compos, well, it's a very personal hobby after all. Even if somebody tries to be as fair and objective as possible, the whole listening environment, system setup and synergy, etc. might be in favor of one amp over the other in this particulat setup. No problem at all, since this is pretty much taken for granted.
There's a reason why there's ss and tubes, dynamic, ribbons, and Estats out there, and I'll never argue with somebody's personal taste. Hey, as a matter of fact, I'm actually selling tons of pre amps for several tube manufacturer if our customers want to run a tube pre. It's a no bullshit approach, of which I'm very proud of. Also, the factory direct marketing allows me this and gives me other areas of freedom as well. Personally, I love the discussion of comparing a variety of products within the umbrella of system synergy, and with my 14 years of experience in this business, I think that I have a pretty good background.

HOWEVER, if somebody blatantly tries to discredit my business, and ultimately also my life's work, then of course, I have to act somehow and set the record straight. Guys, think about if somebody's doing the same thing at your work - business place. It's not a pretty idea, and because this is a hobby industry, and as such very shaky in the first place, one can do real damage in a heartbeat because with the freedom of such great forums such as this also comes flipside in that it can easily be abused for alternative motivs or plain mean behavior.

Just my thoughts, and thanks for the support from you guys,