odyssey amp's how do they compare to others

are other amp's just over priced? could most people tell one amp from another if it was covered with a cardboard box?the stratos seem to get rave reveiws.am I just crazy to send more money on other move expensive amps.thanks in advance to everybody this is a great website

Showing 2 responses by kingbeezer

Another point on the Audioreview angle. 5 "overall" stars come pretty easily there. Klaus himself will admit that the monoblocks better the steroe Stratos and some of the Symphonic line amps better the monoblocks. Klaus himself will tell you that. So take all that with a grain of salt and realize all your seeing are happy customers trumpeting their product.

That said, the fact that nobody has posted less than five stars is rather amazing and to a certain extent ridiculous. As a stereo Stratos owner, I suppose I should go out there and put in 4 stars overall, 5 stars for value.
I'll stand corrected by Klaus, now that I've looked more closely at the rating scale in Audioreview. I just assumed for the overall rating: 1 meant crappy product, 5 meant the best. As it turns out while 3 is "average product" and 4 is "very good product", 5 means "far better than you imagined". So all those folks got a product that is far better than they imagined it would be. While I think the Audioreview's progression from a 4 to 5 rating is a bit screwy, I can't knock the people that use it. As a happy owner, I can believe that the Odyssey has exceeded expectations.

A$$, you, me - I got it! Sorry about the mixup.
