Best Budget Amp

I live in a small apt and I am looking for a decent amp to run my Mission 733i's with. My pre is an ADCON GFP 555II
and my source is the CAL Delta & Alpha transport/DAC. At present I am using the ADCOM GFA 545, I have had for some 7 years now and I ready for something better! A tube amp would be excellent, but I'd settle for a "tubey sound" in a solid state amp just as well. Please $350 or less new or used. Thanks for the generous help guys & gals.
Send your present Adcom amp to Stan Warren in Oregon; who for less money than you want to spend, will modify your present amp into something you could not afford used in a stock unmodified amp for $350 or even well over $1000. If you do not know of Stan he is the S in PS Audio; then Superfon, and now Supermods.

Actually, after talking to Stan you may find you will want to send him your preamp also. The best way to contact him is to call his home 541-344-3696 --- If you search other threads you will find lots of info about him and his Adcom and DVD player mods.


If that IS your real name. It's easy. The Antique Sound Labs makes excellent affordable amps for that price range. Probably the Wave monoblocks at $238/pr. 8 wpc. Use the extra money to upgrade the Chinese tubes you will probably get with it. That Adcom will be on the bright side and the tubes will smooth it. Good luck.
Creek 4330 i think it is, or Cambridge audio a500, or a300...Or NAD C-350 All great amps i think, I have a NAD C-370 and am really happy with it.
I think you would hear the most sonic difference by changing out your pre-amp. You could get an audio research LS2B. Or better yet sell you adcom goodies and get an integrated plinius or vtl.