Top 10 Snafus to avoid when building a good rig

OK, I'm sure we'll come up with more than 10. Whatever.

Maybe I'll compile the top 10 once we get a few.

I'll start with my #1: avoid putting speakers that are too big in a room that is too small
Where can I get me sum'dem absolutely mo'betta components?! I'd like to trade in my degradation for some improvement for to make my music better! I say, accept no substitutes and look for the "Mo'Betta" certification badge. 9 out of 10 dentists have been paid off so that you can bask in the light of their endorsement of your irreproachable decision to go with the best your money can buy!!! It'll get you past the bouncer at heaven's gates. While you're here with the rest of the unwashed riffraff, you can impress your family, friends and neighbors who will all hold you in highest esteem for demonstrating knowledge beyond ordinary mortal's understanding. Why I'm getting weak in the knees just thinking about it. I am unworthy.
Said it well. I get the impression from reading many threads that a number of people don`t have confidence in their own ears.
The components that elicit favorable - emotional responds and cause a strong connection with your music, that`s what you want(I hope). If others have a opinion or reaction different from yours, so what.
Substituting $ for experience. One of the more useful/enjoyable aspects of a hobby is that it's an outlet for risk-taking. Part of figuring out what you like is exposure to what you don't like.
Not knowing when you've finished. Related to that, forgetting any change will change the sound of your system and different is'nt better.
It seems very hard for all of us, to say "I'm done now, that's the sound I was looking for"
The commoner respoonse is, yes that's very good, but maybe if I change X for Y, it'll be better.

My list some from my mistakes and some threads on Audiogon.

1. Buying a speaker that claims to have very deep bass.

Take those bad boys home and whow! That bass is getting my room excited and is ruining the music. Setting expectations about how much bass is possible from a fairly inexpensive floor standing speaker. Expecting to much is a huge and mistake.

2. Not listening to or not being aware of your reactions to the sound. Ask your self am I relaxed while the system is playing or am I sitting on the edge of my chair. Is the sound involving or is it just a good PA System? Does the music evoke an emotional response? It should...

3. Is the sound cohesive. A cohesive sound will also sound pure and not blurred. Complex speakers can sound like complex speakers.

Those are my top three and yes I have kissed a few frogs..yuck!
