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Addressing Weaker Links

Addressing Weaker Links

The latest changes were to bring up the weaker components to match the stronger ones- the Pass X250.8, Constellation preamp, and Magicos. My fellow audiophiles and civilians agree that the improvem...

Music/Library Room

Music/Library Room

Originally entered in 2010 under opinions please. Nine years later the room and system change sufficiently to start the virtual system over. Impetus came from the Brinkmann going on the blink. I us...

2 little boxes+speakers-digital

2 little boxes+speakers-digital

It's still 2 boxes along with the Pioneer which is there if my wife just wants to pop in a CD or if I want to play one of the several SACD's we have. The MacBook Air I used during the remodel as a ...

smortega's RoonInterdependency

smortega's RoonInterdependency

The view from my listening position. Aside from the marked improvement (Roon and the M1 DAC) in digital sound quality, we're also happy about the improvement in user-friendliness.  Most of the time...

Improvements in Music Room

Improvements in Music Room

This setup could have just as appropriately been entered under budget minded (in it's past configuration) or ever evolving. Formerly titled Squeezebox+Analog.

2009 Vintage HT

2009 Vintage HT

A repository of left-behind technology that thankfully works as well as when the system was put together in 2009. We're hoping that, since it's only used about 2-4 hrs a week (often even less), eve...

Coxswains among the Rowers

Coxswains among the Rowers

The Topping Pre90 and E1 components are diminutive, thus the coxswain analogy. They both contribute in an outsized proportion of their cost and size to the setup. I've been convinced however of the...

Replaced coxswain with point guard

Replaced coxswain with point guard

The sports analogy is appropriate to contrast the roles the Topping and the Constellation played in my system. The albums (R&R, pop music) formerly located where the Pass amp now sits) now loca...