Are the CD'S days numbered?

Ford will no longer put CD players in new cars. Are they going the way of cassette and 8 track?
Ford made the announcement JULY 27. The CDs will be discontinued in the newer models, which happens to include US as well as the european cars. These are the facts my friends!
CDs becoming obsolete. Right! I've seen this movie before, and I know how it ends. I agree with a previous comment, let them become obsolete so there will be more available, even cheaper than today. I predict 4/$1.00, just like cassettes. I'll be lovin' it!
Yes- they are obsolete and everyone should sell their collections as soon as possible.
I do not know but when I think the CD may be dead I hear a CD Player like the Audio Research CD 7 and or CD 8 and with the ease of use I end up going wow that sounds great. I have a Mach2Music Mac Mini and it is awesome too and it kills most CD Players as a transport. I have room for both the music server and the CD Player. I will keep my Mach2Music Music server and I will own an audio Research CD 8.