My System....where to start on the upgrade path

I’ve been in this hobby for only 2 years, so I have much to learn. I have questions about my overall system and didn’t know where to post them so I thought I’d give this forum a try. I read many of the forum comments on a weekly basis but I don’t post often because I haven’t felt that I had a solid enough background to share my opinion. I do have a very good ear, so I don’t mind sharing something I’ve heard if I think it sounded especially good.

I have decided that something is my system is lacking. I want the music to open up more. I want the various instruments to stand out more. I like listening to music at low levels, but I want to be able to raise the volume to real world levels and still retain that separation without the music sounding “jumbled” As you can see I don’t know all the proper audiophile terms so please just bare with me.

Acoustic Zen Adagio speakers
Pathos Classic MKIII integrated with Electro-Harmonix 6922EH tubes
Cambridge 840c CD player
Thoren TD-160 HD turntable(modified by George Merrill
Ortofon AS-212S Tonearm
Dynavector 20X Cartridge
Sutherland PhD MC phono preamplifier
Ginko Cloud Audio Vibration platform(turntable)
Acoustic Zen Satori Speaker Cables
Acoustic Zen Wow interconnects
Bruce Brisson’s Giant Killer power conditioner( I can’t hear the difference with it)
Room: 23’7” x 15’4” x 9’3”
Speakers are along the short wall.
4 large plate glass windows along one of the long walls can be covered by heavy blackout Roman shades.
Glass sliding doors on the short wall opposite the speakers can be covered with heavy blackout drapes.
Heavy rugs on the Pergo covered concrete floor
Lots of upholstered furniture

Will tube rolling in the Pathos make a dramatic difference?
Amp-speaker match-up?

I’m trying to figure out where to start. I feel like I need more bass.
I know that this is painted with a broad brush, but if I can gets some good feedback, then maybe I can ask some more specific questions. Thanks Catfishbob
1. How can different people hear different things from different components listening to the same system in the same room? Perhaps these people have heard some of the gear previously and have a clear idea in their mind's ear what it should sound like, and are hearing new things up or down stream as a result of the unfamiliar piece in the system. Or they are full of horse pucky...

2. Harbeths definitely are voiced differently than the Adagios. I like Harbeth's, but some think they are overly warm and euphonious in the mids, and that their resonant cabinets make all recordings start to sound the same - like the box. Others bliss out on all the musicality. You should give a listen in your system if you can - I suggest the Compact 7's.
knownothing....I believe that each individual's hearing can be very different. When you consider the mechanics of the ear and wiring in the brain how could 2 people be be hearing the same thing? I had never really thought of this before I had nerve damage to the nerves in the brain that control hearing in the left ear. Now,I don't like certain restaurants because of their acoustics. The din of noise in some places makes it very uncomfortable for me. If you have been around people with hearing aids you know what I'm talking about. They experience the same sensation. I can still tell the difference in the sound of a system just like anyone else. I have a keen sense of pitch and timing. If a turntable's speed is just a little off it drives me crazy. I am probably overly sensitive to room acoustics. I am assuming that the different speakers might have an affect on this.

The first thing I have done to address this is to order Jim Smiths book "Get Better Sound". I am hoping that this book will help me make some tough decisions about systems set ups and the limitations I might have regarding WAF as I don't have the option of a dedicated listening room. I have too much furniture that really has to stay. There is no point in buying more expensive equipment if i can't set it up properly. It is like the analogy of buying a Ferrari and only being able to drive it to the grocery store. I might however find that different equipment might sound better given my spacial limitations.

Can you enlighten me on why you would suggest the Compact 7s over other Harbeths specifically the SHL-5s?

The P3ESR's are out for your room size. I really like the newer Compact 7's - I have been impressed by their inherent musicality and balance. They may be a bit bass shy in your room, and it is my belief - but not proven out by extensive listening tests on my part - that the SHL-5's will play louder than the Compact 7's without losing their composure. So for your stated needs, the SHL-5's may be a better choice. Do you have the option of listening to the different Harbeth models before buying?