Happy Thanksgiving fellow Audiophiles

We have a lot to be thankful for, the appreciation of fine musical gear and fantastic music for our listening pleasure!
And to you as well. And to add to the list of gratitudes.
We must be thankfull to live in a land where electric service is consistant. And to have a/c conditioners that complete the job. To have the freedom to buy any kind of music we want without sensorship. And for a medium that allows us to sell equipment when upgrading and buy when new is beyond our budget.
All added to a list of blessings bestowed upon us, we give thanks on this day.
No whne is that turkey gonna be done?
Happy Thanksgiving To All!

Let us not forget to view any difficulties that we may deal with from the perspective that the most important things in life are health and loved ones.

-- Al
Happy Thanksgiving to all, times are tough but we should let that be for a short while and be thankful for what really matters. Jsa, great to see you!
Back at you Chad............Looks like you been hard at work with the system, Nice! Happy Listening.