Ypsilon Phaethon

Just wondering if any of you have heard this integrated amp.  On paper, it appears to be very impressive.  I will be getting an opportunity to audition it at home soon.

I'm looking to upgrade from my Luxman L-590AX and will be pairing the new amp with my B&W 803 D3 speakers.
Ag insider logo xs@2xgreginnh

Showing 2 responses by sksos1

Greg I see you are using the B&W 803 D3 speakers. How long have you had them?  I had the chance to hear the 802 D3 speakers last week and they sounded mighty fine. From what I heard they would be on a short list of speakers, if I ever decided to change. Can you tell me sonically the difference from the 803 D3 vs the 802 D3? 