My dad and I demeod the Scoutmaster at a store wich also carried the Basis, while checking out speakers in a seperate room we played a Basis wich model I dont recall, but I do know it was 4 times the cost, and to be honest it didnt shame the Scoutmaster. This thought might not serve you very well, only to say that for the money the VPI is great. BTW my dad has the VPI comming anyday now.
Your thoughts on Scoutmaster versus Basis 2001
I am currently torn between the purchace of either a VPI Scoutmaster/JMW9 or a Basis 2001 with SME 309 tonearm. The SME arm I currently own; the 'tables would be purchaced new. The Basis would be a bit more expensive even without having to buy an arm for it, but I don't mind if worth it. Your thoughts on what I might expect in terms of sonics between the two would be much appreciated. BTW, I use a Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood and custom Wellborn tube phono preamp.