Your sub experience: Easy or hard?

For those of us with subwoofers, I'm curious whether you thought integrating it was easy or difficult.  That's it.

Of course, lots of DBA people will chime in. No problem but please ask that everyone stay on topic.  If you want to discuss all the pro's and cons of DBA take it to a brand new thread.  Thank you.

The focus here is just to ask how many people had easy or difficult times and what you thought was the difference.


Showing 2 responses by ohlala


Good post. I can relate to it better than those who report outstanding and far-reaching benefits to subs. The subs simply fix a wide and deep bass dip that is not possible to fix with speaker or listener placement.  I also like to play with the CR1's bypass. A tonal shift that came along with it was solved by flipping the ground switch. Not saying that was your issue, but I do understand your preference. 

My first experience with a pair of subs was difficult to the point where the best spot still resulted in unsatisfactory bass. The best spot was hard to find with asymmetric placement but neither in a corner.  The bass was flat except for except a 60Hz vertical mode. I even tried putting the subs on five foot stands to negate it with partial success. This was under the direction of a remote acoustician. A crossover I was reluctant to purchase fixed the 60Hz issue. I recently installed nine quasi bass traps but have yet to remeasure or recalibrate. Listening, thought, the bass is fixed to the point where I like it. I know there is a delay  between the subs and main speakers. While there is that room for improvement, I do not care now.  My room drives me nuts honestly.