???YOUR Personal Favorite???Why???

I'm curious about something..What is YOUR Personal Favorite 2 way,stand mounted speakers under $15,000.00???
What did you compare them to??
What electronics do you use with them if you actually own them??
 Thanks for participating,it is appreciated..


Joseph Audio Pulsar2 graphene. I owned the original Pulsar and now own the Perspective2 Graphene.

DYNAUDIO "SPECIAL FOURTY" stand mount. I love the way they energize a room dimensionally. They work especially well with "unconditioned" audio environments, which is, for the most part, the mean average that the large percentage of audiophiles have at their disposal. They are not necessarily a "rock; rap; steel; boo-ga-lou" type speaker. They are best at recreating a more lifelike representation of a recorded environment, with specific attention to a more realistic representation of voice and instruments. They also do an exceptional presentation of a large venue recorded environments such as orchestra halls. Full and fleshy presentation of jazz recordings. Given the right amplification and input media, I feel they are one of the most pleasing stand mounts that you could match-up with both solid state and tube components. All of this, while not breaking the bank. I have owned about 28 pair of both floor standers and stand mounts over the years. I've found myself coming back to the "SPECIAL FOURTIES", about three years ago, married to a compliment of SCHIIT components. Again, the entire system came in just under 10K. Comparatively speaking, this system gives me more day to day listening pleasure than the system I owned about 7 years ago based around a very expensive pair of AYON monoblocs, which cost several times the price of my entire current system.

Before I leave, I'll send you in another direction (if you choose to take the time and effort). The direction I speak of is "DECWARE". Never heard of them?. Many audiophiles haven't. Believe me when I say " this experience will be a real "head-turner". It's a bit of a trip and you will need to make an appointment. I think I can safely say that you will come away "talking to yourself". Possibly not believing what you've heard. And for far less money than you can imagine after hearing their products. You can start by looking up their website online. The man behind this company is an audio genius. Every component is hand built to order.


One thing I almost forgot to mention; - - - - Obviously, being a small 2-way loudspeaker, the" SPECIAL FOURTIES" share one aspect that 98% of stand mount speakers share. - - - A limited presentation of heavy, accurate and deep low bass reproduction. Essentially, if the type of music you normally listen to demands, to a degree, strong and precise bass reproduction below 35-40 Hz., then I would also suggest you consider matching the "40's" with a single or pair of precision sub-woofers. In that area I only have one recommendation. "REL'S"!!!! 

Beautifully and expertly crafted SUBS to seamlessly marry to the most delicate or "MONSTER" sound reproduction system you could possibly dream of. The best of the best!! Look them up also.

Sonus Farber Auditor M's. Have used with Hegel H300 integrated, then DarTZeel LHC-208 integrated. Very natural- enough detail with warmth.