Your One Bullet Point Solution; Electrical Upgrade

Two points; I am well aware of many threads on topic of electrical service. I do not have time to read hundreds of posts, but wish to distill them down with your help. I will also post this on the Tech Forum to get wider response:

Doing service upgrade to 100A. I plan on adding a whole house surge protector, type 2, add on to panel after the service enters house. Panel to the HT/Music room is not under consideration, as it was all updated when the room was built.

If anyone has important info/contradictory info on that plan, please inform.

What I would like to know in shorthand form from the community from those who have Done upgrades:

1. Recommended Panel? Brand, any difference?

2. I currently have sub-panel for HT/Audio room which I’m tempted to keep. I understand that this is a good move.
Electrician can sum all into a larger panel, but I have reservations. Comments/recommendations?

3. Particular wiring/breakers for panel/sub-panel for audio use?

4. Particular surge protector recommend.

As the topic has been covered much, notation form comments are welcome. Thanks for helping!


Showing 5 responses by djones51

Yes you don't  need to change the sub panel if you're  replacing the main.
I guess I misunderstood I thought you were replacing a main 60 amp panel not a subpanel.
Is there a particular reason they reccomended 100 amp panel? I believe most common now in US is 200 amp. Just curious I only have a 60 amp panel now but my patio home isn't large only 1800 square ft. 
I've seen some where they put a surge protector on the main and sub panel that might be something you'd want to ask your electrician about.