Your most disappointing purchase or audition?

I've had a few.

bought a Naim Nait 3. Loved it in the store. Returned it within a week- way forward at home

Brought home some CJ preamp to audition perhaps 22 years ago. Noisy as anything and a turn off transient destroyed a tweeter (though years later i bought a CJ 17LS2 which I thought was the finest preamp I ever heard in my home)

Auditioned a VPI table (HW19) in a store- the store just could not get the belt to stay on. Bought a Rega instead. This was in perhaps 1990.

Fortunately, I never really experienced buyers remorse say 6 months or more after settling on a piece of gear.

Finally, there have been too many speakers that got stellar write ups which I just didn't care for.

Showing 13 responses by mapman

"you would think at these prices, High- end Audio would be more reliable"

I would expect that, not just think it.
I bought a Yamaha sound processor once that I loved at first then fell out of love with as I started to detect various noise artifacts being introduced that were not there otherwise.

I've been very nuts and bolts about what I buy ever since and have never had any major disappointments.
I've never heard mbl at shows come close to a properly set up showroom, even when both are done by the same seller.

So take what you hear at shows with a grain of salt there.
Krell and B&W?

Not two I have ever heard together or would tend to mate instinctively, but ya never know.

Lots of brand recognition power there though. I guess that means something to someone.
"I have had junk audio in my life time that is more reliable than alot of today's High- End audio."

I think there is some truth to that.

Was it truly junk then if at least reliable?

Reliability is an often overlooked attribute when it comes to the quest for the "ultimate" sound. I would expect the good expensive stuff to also the the MOST reliable. Its worth nothing if it doesn't work, right?

Personally, I never drop big bucks out of the gate on one off boutique type brands. I do test the waters with less expensive product offerings from such companies though if justified. Problem with many boutique lines is cost of entry is always high so a significant "leap of faith" may well be needed.

Another problem is that once one drops big bucks on gear, in some cases to vendor that might mean deep pockets for service to keep things going as they should. Especially if the feeling is when working it will alternately also have to cost a fortune to replace
"Man has this thread taken a wrong turn!!"

Threads that inquire about bad experiences kinda start down that path from the beginning unfortunately.

When something bad is reported, its hard to just let it slide, and hard to get the most relevant facts relating out as well in a forum like this.

Not to mention that people easily jump to generalized conclusions baed on isolated cases/instances reported, most of which cannot even be verified with certainty.

So either have very thick skin and take many grains of salt or best to just steer clear.
Magico must be very sensitive to what is upstream. I have heard various models on a couple occasions and sound was top notch, very natural, nothing objective at all one could object to, although no product will please everyone.

In both cases, there was probably digits worth of gear in front of them, so I would expect anything at that price to sound absolute top notch, which they did.

Its more a value thing for me with Magico. I have never done a shootout, but I do not think top notch sound need cost that much. Nice products though!! SOme better values used I see these days. I think it is a line I could live with if I had to.
I will qualify that my longest Magico audition was for Minis that went for about an hour or so. Again this was behind >$100,000 worth of tube gear and SOTA DCS source. So how bad could this sound? It sounded very good. FWIW, other similar "quality" setups I heard at the same dealer were well off the mark and I know for a fact not everything in that case was in good working order. That's not acceptable for a dealer that pitches the best stuff to those who can afford it. It also just so happens that well known NYC dealer went under a few years back.
Using headphone sound as a reference, Tidal I have heard reminded me of Audeze. Magico more like Sennheiser. Very different.
Maybe tubes108 did not expect to be crucified for his original comment in that no other responses seem to have garnered the same level of questioning.

I don't know. Just wondering.

Like I said, even God has some unhappy customers. One case should not be such a big deal. Nobody is perfect, and obviously Atmasphere seems to have a good rep. these days for both unique products and good customer service. As pointed out, its hard for a company to survive otherwise.
"Just that it seems logical, reasonable, and clear such a series of events would leave some sort of easily produced paper trail to jog the memory of the other party."

Maybe, but does this really need to be hashed out on this thread?

It should be taken offline IMHO.