your first system-

I put together my first system in 1977- turntable, receiver, speakers and a cassette deck- $600. An on-line inflation calculator tells me that is $2760 in 2022 dollars. I am sure a current $1500 streaming based system can be assembled that would demolish my 1977 system. That's what I call real progress!


Probably 1967 or 68. Garrard 40B, Sansui 350 receiver (or is $350 what I paid for the set up?) and 12" Utah speakers.

A dear friend of mine got KLH speakers, a Scott receiver, and the original AR turntable.

Mine played louder and deeper, but his made music.

About 1961. All in one record player, preamp,amp and speaker. I was about 9-10.


Fiesta75 - that sounds remarkably like my first real system circa 1976, Sherwood receiver (second hand from a college buddy), BIC turntable with Empire cartridge (Christmas gift from my parents), and large Advent speakers (bought with my first real paycheck). The speakers stayed around the longest. I sold them when I got a pair of Magneplanars in 1987. Music was Allman Brothers, Jackson Browne, Neil Young, etc.

Heathkit hifi separates -- power amp, preamp, and AM tuner. A Garrard record changer.  I watched Dad solder together the Heathkit components at the kitchen table. Of course, the Heathkit stuff was all tube, as trannies had yet to make their way out of cheap, drugstore-bought AM radios.  Monophonic, of course. I can't remember the cartridge brand but it had a switchable needle when you wanted to  play a now-obsolete 78. Was it a Shure? As for the speaker, I'm pretty sure it was a Utah. Boy did I love that thing! Naturally, I played my sister's Elvis singles, but my favorite records were a Tchaikovsky Fifth Symphony and a "This is Hi-Fi!" demonstration record that featured a recently-released recording by Arturo Toscanini and the NBC Symphony.