You tube hifi influencers. Love them or hate them?

Not sure if I posted this in the right place but here goes. I've been an audiophile for over 50 years. Way back in the day, brick and mortar stores allowed for extensive auditioning and experienced reviewers  from the few established audio magazines gave fairly honest reviews of equipment. Now there is an army of tube influencers and online reviewers with varying degrees of experience/bias praising  their flavour of the month components that dominate the scene. What's a new audiophile to do? I trust the opinions of members of various forums more so than any of these influencers except for perhaps "The Audiophiliac", Guttenberg. How do you feel?


Showing 1 response by whart

I far prefer written text, so I can pore over it, scrutinize it, go back and re-read; I find talking head videos abysmal at conveying information, especially when done improvisationally and off the cuff. Lot of wasted time for me. I can quickly scan a written article in minutes or less to see if it is relevant. Videos are cumbersome in that respect. 

I get that the current generation relies on YT for all kinds of things. It may make sense with a repair issue, where, for example, the narrator guides you through steps and the visuals of a disassembly are shown. But for opinion and listening it  is usually a non-starter for me.