You can only take 5 albums to a deserted Island...

But there is a world class system there for your use.  Leaving many favorites behind but I must have:

Yes - Close to the Edge
Rolling Stones - Beggars Banquet
Robin Trower - Bridge of Sighs
Neil Young - Everybody Knows this is Nowhere
John Lee Hooker - Mr. Lucky


Showing 1 response by erik_squires

I would only take albums I hate, so that I'd not get sick of music I actually liked!

However, in the spirit of putting together a "best of" list.....

My list is based on moods, not sound quality or microgasmic dynamic detail or anything like that.

Peter Gabriel - Secret World (A cheat, since it's 2 disks)
Berlioz - Les Trojens - Colin Davis 1969 (Another cheat, 4 disks)
Nine Inch Nails - Downward Spiral
Nickelback - Best Of
Adele - 21

