Yamamoto YDA 01 DAC

Is there any Agoner have this Yamamoto dac and could share his comments on how its sound?
Hi Charles

You have a nice transport.But jittery wise transports are actually at their end of life. Even a second hand dual core laptop with Jplay in windows 7 and a JKenny MK3 USB/SPDIF converter will out perform a dedicated mac and your PS audio transport probably by a large margin

So I would upgrade your dac.

My mistake refers to the 200 femto secnds of MSB Technology clock. It should be 97 F seconds according to the article
Thanks for the information.I`ve heard numerous computer-DAC systems(presumably with lower jitter?) but prefer my PWT and Yamamoto DAC(natural and realistic). I`ll have to think about the super clock option. A case of theory vs reality in regard to actual sound improvement.
What ever MR. Yamamoto is using(I`ve no idea) it`s making beautiful music.
computer-DAC systems do not per se have lower jitter, in the contrary. It is the stand alone USB/Spdif converter who provides low jitter especially the well known brands which are highly probably better than a n y build in USB input of any DAC except 4 until now. Couple that to JPlay which I am 90 % sure you have not heard and only then you supersede a high quality transport. Any transport with a "standard clock is hifi, not really high end. The old but famous TEAC VDRS transport was a very good mechanical transport, but its default clock made it sound... ah well
I had one and bettered it with a Tent clock and ditto pws. But that combo is incomparable to PC music under the right conditions
"Any transport with a standard clock is hifi" if that`s true then it seems a super clock for the transport rather than the DAC would yield better sonic results.Or you change clocks in both, now it`s getting expensive.