'Y' Cable/Connector

Hi Guys, I'm temporarily connecting my preamp RCA outs to both my L&R mono blocks and two L&R subs. Currently I'm using Morrow Y's to connect to my Transparent cables going to the amps and SVS sub cables to the subs. Transparent's web site shows the small brass plug in Y which would be ideal for me but I think I remember somewhere on here it was highly frowned upon - something about bending electrons in the signal path on a 90 degree angle. Any suggestions on a better solution or which brand/model I should look into? 


Showing 1 response by ghdprentice

I am sure that it is offensively from an elegance perspective, but I have used these on my office systems for many years. They work great. I have nearly all Transparent wires I’d trust them.


I’m not aware of any actual component damage danger, it is just not elegant.