Wywires Platinum much better than H T Crystal Silver for Phono on my VPI Aries 1 ?

Please help me out here. I have a lead on both in the used market and need to take a shot at one. Front end is VPI Aries 1 / Dynavector 10x5 ? Conrad Johnson EV1. Maybe the wywires is "too good" for my setup?

Thanks everyone

My opinion....

I'm not sure I like silver wire anywhere in a good stereo.  To my ear, pure copper seems better.  Good copper interconnects seem to reveal more detail without emphasis on any band in the audio spectrum.  Silver seems to add more brightness.  Not sure I've ever seen amy measurement, just my personal observation.  Not sure if it is related to the insulators in the silver cables I've heard.

I'm using Herron Audio pure copper interconnects throughout my system from the turntable and DAC all the way out to the four mono amps.  Excellent performers.  I think they cost ~$250 a meter pair, but less per meter for longer lengths.  

I have not heard top-of-the-line silver interconnects in my system, so this is just observations in other systems and using lower-end silver cables in my system.

Just my opinion.   

Hi, not sure what you are asking? The cables are used and they are $500 difference in price