Wrapping power cords and interconnects with copper foil.

Ok..not sure other people have done what I tried recently but I’ve found a night and day difference in sound quality after I wrapped my tube power amp power cord (rogue Zeus) and my cheap audio quest interconnect cables with copper foil. I even wrapped by phono cable coming out of my turntable to phono pre-amp. The detail retrieval and pin drop silence after doing this has made by jaw drop. Cost was $40 worth of foil wrap. What do you audiophiles think? Have I changed the sound signature in a negative way somehow? 


Showing 2 responses by asvjerry

...and here I thought I’d be in intelligent company.....*ROTFLMAO*

(If you’d get that last bit...ask the Goog....speaking of education of recent ’web history’....)

BTW... Copper oxidizes to black if uncoated.... 

"Foiled again!" only one vowel from the Who's howl.in the song that remains the same...;)

....while you're into the process, don't forget to wrap your extremities (sex organs never mentioned, but why take the chance) and torso as well. 😖

Wrap your skull with lead foil to block those rad left ideas from entry by those satellites of an unknown mission....but remember to Not go swimming.

@roadcykler ....Yup, just more of the same snake syrup, with the 'copper-infused socks' and motorized foot pedal gadgets that don't do more than tap your cash flow into the trinket toilet....the 'ultrasonic bug barriers', the hair growth wrinkle smoothers, the latter used by make-up artists in the movie make-up for decades if not longer,,,,,

Anything that plays on your fears or thoughts of insecurities is cheap bait for those who bite the bait, even if they notice the hook,...

"Enhance your brain power!"  Yup....educate yourself and read a lot of varied sources....

If one reads too much BS, it only fertilizes your mind to grow weeds that act like ivy...blocking the sun from that which you want v. that which becomes needed to be ripped out to the roots....