Wow, $10k+ cables

I’m a true cables believer. I do believe they can make (significant) improvement to system but $10,000+ for a single power cord or a pair of interconnect? Cmon now

Showing 1 response by asvjerry

...perhaps a more worthless response is the enjoyment of 'listening to' y'all attempting to validate your choices of ic/pc cables assembled by virgins in sterile facilities using zircon tweezers at the dead of night during the dark of the moon....

Of course, the materials used would make NASA drool IF they could source such.  The next level, of course, will be supercooled ones using a refrigeration unit that will need special isolation risers to keep said cables from shattering the floor they're above, not to mention the isolation sleeves that will keep your equipment intact.... 

Oh, and don't forget the 440 VAC line needed to run the 'fridge.  You'll have to compete with the Covid vaccine suppliers for the 'fridge, too....

I can't wait to hear how 'special' all that sounds, so get on it, huh?