Would you choose 1 ou 2 subwoofers for a stereo set?

Would you choose 1 bigger sub or 2 smaller ones?

For a living room 6 x 8 meters (speakers on the smaller side). (3.5meters high)

Mcintosh MA9000 + BW802 D3

I listen mostly to digital audio (DAC / Streamer)

Looking into 1 JL Audio 13" or 2 JL Audio 10"


Showing 3 responses by deep_333

If you are optimizing for a single sweet spot for 2 channel listening and have a lot of freedom to move the subwoofer, speakers and listener’s position around, you can make it work well with a single sub even in a very large room.

If you don’t have full flexibility of placement mentioned above, restrictions on variable phase, etc. you could add another sub to help the compromised first sub (be tactical about it though without making anything worse).

I use two 15” sealed Rythmik subs in a very difficult room with great results

@markalarsen , Is the E15HP what you have? Are you using it for music listening primarily? (I have been curious about their 15in and 18in sealed models for a bit...Personally have not ventured any bigger than their 12in drivers for music).

My two Rythmik non-ported direct servo subs are lined with GR Research "No Rez"

Shoulda thought of this before...Excellent idea man! I have been using the isoacoustics aperta with my F12Gs...Ordering some No Rez now!