Would I benefit with Roon?

I use a Bluesound Node 2i with a power supply upgrade in my main system and a Vault 2i in my second system. The Vault has about 800 CDs and my old iTunes in it. They are both on the same LAN so I can access either and listen anywhere in my home. I stream mostly Qobuz, Amazon Music, and various streams through Tune In. I like the Bluesound App (on two computers in two locations) a lot, but find that it gets clunky and has to be rebooted from time to time.

Would I benefit with Ron?


Showing 1 response by glennewdick

Roon is great if you need that sort of data handling and cataloging etc. I would avoid the Roon nucleus though its not the best made device out there and is way over priced for what you get. there are better options for Roon streaming IMO. 

if it was me I'd stick with what you have for now as you seem to like the app and that's one of the biggest hurdles to streaming IMO. Upgrading maybe your DAC first if not already done. 

I would imagine streamers will come down in price as new tech and implementations come available. we are still relatively new into the streamer tech world. Every year there are new ones coming available that have solved much of the earlier issues like bad apps etc. Mind you there are some nice unite available now.