Worth upgrading from Mytek Brooklyn to Mytek Brooklyn Bridge?

I’ve have had my Brooklyn DAC+ for about 18 months now and in my system it sounds fantastic. I run Roon server on a Mac Mini, the Brooklyn is a Roon endpoint and I run the Roon Control code on an iPad. It all works very nicely together. I have a Curious USB cable connecting the MM to the Brooklyn. The sound is very well balanced and beautifully layered. I am very happy with the sound and with the experience.

I’m considering upgrading my Brooklyn DAC+ to a Brooklyn Bridge because I would like to get the computer out of my listening room. I also understand that an Ethernet connection would be superior to the USB connection I use today. I have heard this said but I have not heard it for myself and my dealer is not in a position to help me.

Has anyone done this? Would you be willing to share your experience? What were the benefits? Was there any downside? It’s not a terribly expensive upgrade but I would like it to be worth the effort.

Any insight you could provide would be appreciated.

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