Worth it to try a SUT with a 103R and Herron VTPH-2?

I've recently been enjoying a retipped wood body 103r with my Herron. Is it worth trying an SUT or will it likelybe a fruitless or expensive endevour to get improvement?
I'd be inclined to spend those resources on more music. But I am curious as to what the others think. 
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So I assume your Herron already provides sufficient gain for the 103R.  Yet you're thinking about interposing a SUT between the two, presumably using the MM section of your Herron.  My bias is that this would be a step in the wrong direction, but neither I nor anyone else can predict what YOU will like best.  Also, your choice of SUT would have everything to do with the outcome.  
There's a review by one of the Stereophile writers (Dudley) comparing Bob's Devices 1131 SUT to FET amplifiers and the preference was for the transformer.

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Now that's something I haven't thought of (he said, shooting an email to Keith Herron!)
If you're married to the 103R, my vote is also upgrading the VTPH2 to a 2A.

FWIW, I'm using a Hashimoto HM7 SUT into a VTPH2A.
I’ve started using a Sky 20 with my VTPH-2A. The JFET MC stage in the Herron is really good, so it’s much closer than usual, but in the end I prefer the extra warmth and fat tone lent by the SUT, especially with Shelter and Koetsu. It’s notably more vivid and alive sounding, at a very slight expense to the ultimate refinement and resolution; the trade-off works for me. I’m a big fan of SUT’s. In the main rig I use an EAR MC-3 which beat the Sky 20, but I haven’t yet tried that EAR with the Herron to determine if it’s a good pairing (probably would, though).