Wisconsin - Anyone interested?

Just wondering, things are dead around by me and nobody understands this hobby.....

Showing 3 responses by uppermidfi

It's time to put another meeting together. Were any plans made at the last meeting to do something again? This is the slow time of year for most of us, so lets do it soon.
I'll be there, but it looks like attendance is going to be sparce based on responses so far. Why aren't people responding?
The meeting went off without a hitch. There were three people that have not attended one of these listening session/meetings before, and it was fun to meet some new people.

There is serious interest in establishing a Wisconsin Audiophile Society. One of the people is working on getting a webpage started. We plan on having several useful features such as links to all the Stereo and music shops in the state, plus reviews and system posts.

We should be meeting again in either November or December.