I also have the half meter...if it is unavailable from Wireworld, I would think there are still some dealers who might have one...
WireWorld Platinum Starlight 7 HDMI Cable
I have read many Forum discussions on the I2s interconnect between the PS Audio DAC and PS Audio Memory Player. The consensus seems to opt for the WireWorld Platinum Starliht 7 HDMI interconnect rather than the PS Audio !2s interconnect. The consensus also seems to be that the shorter the interconnect the better. Some have talked about utilizing a .30 Meter interconnect or something in the range of 1 foot between the units. My question is, where can I get such a short interconnect? The shortest interconnect WireWorld sells is 1.0 Meter. I've searched Audiogon, Ebay, and he internet, and have found nothing. Does anyone have any ideas where I can get one? Will the 1.0 Meter interconnect work as well as the shorter interconnect if the shorter interconnect is not available?
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