Wireworld Eclipse 8 compared to Analysis Plus Solo Crystal


I've read many post about the characteristics of these two cables on Audigon, but one question is still unclear.

Would those who have used both say the Solo Crystal is a more detailed sounding cable than the Eclipse 8 or 7? Does one offer better transient response?

I would be switching from a set of Goertz Silver Sapphires, which are reviewed as a very detailed sounding interconnect, though I have never compared them directly to other interconnects.

Thanks, Drew Harty


Showing 2 responses by erik_squires

WW sounded dull compared to Mogami Sound runner, which are basic studio cables.

I did some blind testing with non-audiophiles.  They definitely preferred the Mogami, and preferred the liveliness even though they heard the better soundstage. Me, the "true audiophile" in the room of course (laugh) I was entranced by the imaging.
My experience with mi-range WW cables have been they trade upper-end detail and presence for imaging.

I know this sounds condtradictory, but I do feel you get to hear deeper into the soundstage with WW, but at the same time it is warmer if not dulling.  For bright speakers, this can be a godsend.