Wilson Sophia 1 vs vandersteen 2ce

Hi, this may be a no-brainer but I'm looking for some reassurance. I'm looking for a substantial speaker upgrade over my 2ce's. I'm looking at used Sophia 1s. I also have the vandy sub. The rest of by system is :
vtl preamp
belles 150 v2
vpi Classic 1 with dynavector karat.
I have the Sophia 1s in my system and have had them for 7 years now, everything else has changed several times from really good solid state amps, CJ 2250A, Pass XA30.5 to several different tube amps, the Canary CA306 triode, VTL ST85, Audio Research 100 amp and settled on the VTL MB125s 6 years ago and the Sophias sounded great with all of them but really was surprised how good they sounded with a 27 year old B&K ST140 when I sent my VTLs in to be reworked it was really an eye opening experience. I also had a pair of Sophia 2s but liked the ones better, might be in the minority on that though. Always used a good tube preamp with them but have seen the light with the Lamm LL2.1 paired with an Allnic H1500 SE II phono. I would say that the Sophias really sound like music and you just forget about them and listen to music and that is what it is about. 

Well, I think the Wilsons will be a touch more clear and revealing than the Vandersteens, but not as much as with other Wilson speakers, as the Sophia 1s were, IMHO, Wilson's most forgiving speaker--they even sounded good with a decent receiver driving them, so Tooblue's observation about the B&K is not that surprising to me.  I think your electronics will sound fine with them, they are excellent.  I do like Pmotz's idea of possibly listening to a pair of Vandersteen 5s as well, given that you like the Vandersteen sound.  I agree that they would be on a similar level with the Sophias in terms of sound quality.  Not easy to find, though.
You folks are all absolute champs. I can't thank you enough for your time and opinions!
Hi Tooblue,
I must say that the Wilson Sophia paired with the Canary amplifier is intriguing. I imagine that was pretty nice. 
Yeah Charles the Canary was a hard one to give up and move on from with the Sophias at 24 watts triode it was a monster, just came to the conclusion I could not live without what el 34 tubes bring to the dance. The Pass Labs XA 30.5 was a real sweet amp in my system also but like the Canary weighs in at 80 pounds and was hard for me to handle so monos were a must, my VTLs are 40 pounds a side and really compact.