Wilson, Legacy, or ?
Recently I started to invest more into my 2 channel set up. I ended up with a BAT VK31 pre amp and VTL Deluxe 300's that had all the mods done to them.
Source is a Esoteric DV50 and I currently run a Music Hall TT with a modded Dynavector phono stage. Both of these will get upgraded to a BAT phono stage and a VPI Classic TT.
Currently I run Carver Amazing Silvers and a pair of Thiels at times.
I like the sound of the Silvers however do find the bass to be a little fat sounding and a bit slow for my taste. I like the soundstage and imaging is great.
I've been looking in the 8-10K range for an upgrade down the road and was looking very closely at Wilson Watt/Puppies or Legacy Focus'. I would like the Whispers and on the used market come into that range however feel they would be too big for my room which is about 18X20.
I like detail, but not harsh highs (tend not like horns all that much) and I also like bass but once again not overly fat and slow.
Music taste are anything from small group jazz, female vocals, eletronica, hard rock, alternative, classical and I would prefer something that did well on all types, not just on one.
I've looked at Maggies however feel they lack bass but have a sound I like and would prefer not to run a sub as doesn't seem to ever blend right. I heard Apogee are great but again don't have the bass.
I don't have any dealers really by me and I heard the Legacy Focus HD once but it was in a system I didn't know with music I didn't know.