Wilson Audio WATT/PUPPY or Gershman Grand Avant Garde?

I had listened to Watt/Puppy a long time ago and it has been my dream speakers since then. Now I can afford them (used), but nothing available within driving distance yet. Then came across Gershman Avant Garde at about the same price.

What I like about Gershman is its size and weight and the look. Their review seems to be very good too.

Anyone had experience with both of them and can tell one vs the other?
Thx for your input.


Showing 1 response by williewonka

I haven't heard the Wilson Audio, but I understand they are very good.

I did audition the Avant Garde (10 years ago) at the same time I auditioned their Sonogram model and at the time I could not warrant the additional expense of the Avant Garde for what I considered a similar level of performance, so I went with the Sonogram and I haven't regretted it for a single day

I also auditioned the GAP 828, which were significantly better than the Avant Garge, but they are no longer made.

All Gershman speakers are extremely good - they have a reputation for being invisible and mine certainly are.

Eli Gershman used to truck each model to Ottawa and put them through their paces in an Anechoic Chamber to "tune" the enclosure.

The Grande Avant Garde is their latest version of that model and supposedly much better than the model I auditioned. With a bass going down around 20-22Hz it's a great place to start

Of their current lineup I like the look of the Grand Studio II :-)

I know there are lots of great speakers available these days, but the only speakers to better my Sonograms in a significant way are the Avangarde Horns from Germany - but then they are $35k Canadian.

Good luck with your purchase - Steve