Wilson Audio WATT/PUPPY or Gershman Grand Avant Garde?

I had listened to Watt/Puppy a long time ago and it has been my dream speakers since then. Now I can afford them (used), but nothing available within driving distance yet. Then came across Gershman Avant Garde at about the same price.

What I like about Gershman is its size and weight and the look. Their review seems to be very good too.

Anyone had experience with both of them and can tell one vs the other?
Thx for your input.


Showing 3 responses by gpgr4blu

Wilson sound is slightly more incisive and has better micro detail. Dynamic, with excellent bass performance but no particular emphasis. Gershman are warmer and more forgiving with a bottom up sound and slight bass emphasis. This is my experience on numerous listening sessions with both. Wilsons at home (5 different models) and shows, Gershman probably about 6 times at different shows.
You cannot go wrong with either.
As I said before, you cannot go wrong with either. Neither speaker will overwhelm your room. I had a WP 7 and then the Sashas in my room which is 16 x 20 x 9 and neither overwhelmed at all. In fact, I now have the Alexia 2s in that same space.  While I get the feeling that the Alexias would show a bit more muscle in a larger space (but I'm not complaining), I can assure you that I had no such feeling with the WP.