Wilson Audio Sasha DAW’s or Alex 1’s?

Does anyone have any real would experience, where they would know what speaker is better, between the new Wilson Audio Sasha DAW’s or 2013 Wilson Audio Alex 1’s? Trying to decide what way to go. 
@jtasker the manual goes through the WASP process well. It is worth it to start there and then see how that works in your situation/environment. Then tweak as required from there. Room treatment makes all the difference as well and should be considered in the process.
Alexia 1’s are fantastic. They can fill a space, but can also work in a smaller environment. There is a certain member here that will tell you they have an “evil” load and only a couple of amps can run them. Which isn’t true. They do pose a challenging load, but not beyond what their own specs state. They are fairly sensitive 4 ohm/@90db. I have no experience with the Sasha’s, though there are similarities. I think sonically there would be a similar sound, but the Sasha’s don’t have the time delay adjustment that the Alexia’s have. That aspect is probably one of the key differences that need to be considered, and might make placement a little more critical with the Alexia v the Sasha. All Wilson’s are highly sensitive to positioning. Makes all the difference in the world. A friend has Alexandria XLF’s and it is shocking how much difference an inch or two in any direction can make with those speakers.
So, to make the question more clear, they both are on the used market, so auditioning in my home isn’t an option. 
Used, for very similar money, you can get the newer Sasha DAW or the older Alexia 1’s, a larger, higher end speaker, but older tech. 
Not sure what speaker is a better speaker. My room is 16’ x 38’ with 8’ ceilings. (Basement man cave type thing.) 
Sorry, Alexia 1’s, not Alex. (Not my fault that Wilson uses variations of the same Russian name for all of their speakers!  :) 
Toe in is crucial for proper Wilson placement. The dealer will set them up but even the manual makes clear that failure to toe in defeats the theories behind the speaker design and will result in a significant loss of fidelity. 
Those “absurd” toe-ins make ALL the difference. If you get any Wilson, do your best to set them up according to the WASP system... you will be glad you did. It is simply shocking how sensitive these speakers are to slight movements. They have some fudge room but not much. Keep them on the wheels for awhile. Keep in mind, if you buy from a dealer, they will want to set them up. A good plan to start. Audition if possible. Difficult given their sheer weight etc. I think the Alexx are in the 400lb realm. Alexia’s are 260 give or take. Sasha’s are similar.

Listen to them.  If your willing to spend that much on an Alexx go to a dealer who has them along with the Sasha DAWs.    Personally, I think the Sasha is more than enough unless you have a very large space.   The real issue is getting to hear them without Willsons absurd toe-in setups.