Wilson Audio Sabrina X Reviewed ! WOW

"If you don't have $329,000 for some Wilson Chronosonic XVX's, you get a Massive Helping of that Performance PACKED into the Sabrina X" !...

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I just took delivery on a new pair of SabrinaX speakers.  I have about 100 hrs on them, powered by a Pass Labs 250.8.  In my small music room (11x11x11), they sound fantastic.  Great bass, smooth minds and resolving highs without any harshness.  And soundstage . . . Wide and locked in!  Obviously, the Pass is no slouch in the power department, and it drives them with ease.  And they get much louder at a given volume setting than my other two speakers, the Focal Diablo Utopia III's and Joseph Audio Pulsars. In fact, they seem easier to drive than either of those speakers, in my unscientific listening.  Very happy with them so far!  As my dealer said, they are made to deliver in a smaller room, so they are perfectly suited for my dedicated listening room.  And despaired their somewhat robotic look, my wife loves the look of of them and the finish, so great sound and good WAF . . .! 

At some point I will try them with my PrimaLuna Dialogue Premier HP and see what happens.