Wilson Audio Resistors

I'm wondering if anyone has matched resistors on Wilson Audio speakers.
Sasha DAW has a pair of 6 and 4.8 ohms for highs and mids respectively.
Due to acoustic problems in the room, I need to increase the treble and for this I could combine the resistors like this:
Join a 6 resistor with another 4.8 ohm resistor in parallel to end up with 2.66 instead of 3 ohms; with this you would get a desired increase in the high notes.
My question is if this change from the original Wilson Audio resistor values can cause damage to the speakers.


Showing 1 response by erik_squires

Make sure you take wattage into account here. You may get the right total resistance, but the wattage requirements for each may be different. Being in the tweeter this probably won’t be a huge deal, but still.

Also, honestly, you are MUCH better off doing room treatment or using a DSP than attempting to do this in the crossover. Changing a tweeter crossover resistor is never going to give you the fine grained control over your balance problems that you need.

Consider equalizing by using wall mounted diffusors on one side and stand alone diffussors on the other.  Alternatly, put the speakers in a corner instead of flat against the wall.