Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?


Showing 9 responses by douglas_schroeder

"Don’t forget that over 99% of all audio systems which are being sold are 2 dimensional."

Interesting commentary, considering there is no way to substantiate the claim. 

bo1972, is "Tru-Fi" objectively derived (i.e. through test equipment measurement)  or subjectively derived (i.e. through listening impressions)?

If it is objectively derived, i.e. through analysis or measurement by machine, or a new component, then it may be worth further consideration. If the claim is made that it is objectively derived through a particular collection of gear, I am finished with this discussion. If it is subjectively derived, then I am not interested in spending any further time on this discussion.

bo1972, based on your posts and the system linked to on Facebook I find you to have no superiority in setting up systems in comparison to better dealers. In fact, I see what I consider to be a glaring mistake in your method. :) 

Veroman, seriously? Looking at your system you have a horribly compromised system which seems set up with one principle paramount, not spending much money. You are running an analogue EQ to try and save the sound. That is a 40 year old technique which causes massive degradation of the sound quality. You are screwing around with the EQ to make the home made speakers perform acceptably. You have almost nothing below 55Hz. Imo you have a crude approximation of better HiFi, and you are mocking others? 

Assessing your system and seeming preferences you are in no position to be critical of manufacturer's use of cone materials and audiophiles' interest in different cable conductors. I suspect you have little to no experience in actual comparisons of such things. 

Now, if you're budget constrains you from reaching higher, then I hold no disdain for the setup; I was a budget audiophile for many years as well. But still, I think you are blind to how little basis you have to be a critic of the matters you deride. It's one thing to be economical and make the best with your budget, but it's another to ridicule others from that position, especially if you have little to no experience in it. :(

If you think more expensive gear, different cone materials and conductors in cables are a sham and you could spend more but distrust it, then I feel sorry for you as you are ripping yourself off in the experience of HiFi. You built your own speaker, which is a great accomplishment! So, instead of mocking, why don't you follow the lead of many other DIY'ers who upscaled and built some drop dead gorgeous speakers with quality drivers and super internal wiring. Moving to not much more expensive components and a big gun homemade speaker - you would be living the dream!   :)

Maybe some DIYers can chime in here to discuss their experiences. I suspect my thoughts as a reviewer could be discounted, but perhaps more weighting would be given to persons of similar interest in DIY. I know there are DIYers who have discovered wonderful sound through upscaling their builds such as revisiting internal wiring, conductor material, etc. 
Randy, as a religious person I see bo1972's behavior and character as being more in line with Darwinists who attempt to dictate what "reality" is based on low confidence science subject to assumptions and bias. If you would like to read more about the distinction between low confidence and high confidence evidence for Darwinism, take a look at the book The Science of Evolution by Rob Stadler. 

Like a paleontologist putting bones together bo1972 is putting some systems together and making sweeping declarations as though he has technological Truth. That is why he sounds like a zealot; he is convinced that from his observations he has Truth, so he figures he can dictate to others - purportedly for their own benefit, of course (It certainly could not be that he might benefit as a dealer!) reality as he sees it. No religious element needed just belief in his low level of "scientific" approach to audio! 

That supposed knowledge, or "Truth", of a quasi-scientific nature can make non-religious people as pompous and arrogant, dismissive of others as any religious person. 

So, there you have it, we see things quite differently, but I strongly agree with you that bo1972's intolerance of others' methods and relentless self-promotion as a dealer are offensive and uncalled for. 

Shadorne, as you might guess I differ in my assessment of the purported success of Darwinism. Of course, jumping DNA doesn't work when there is no DNA to work with; there is not even close to a reasonable hypothesis of how DNA got here! The jumping DNA does nothing to resolve the problem of information and Origins. It's a sideshow, a distraction from admitting the failure of the theory. 

I do not intend on drawing out my discussion of this; I respect your and Randy's positions. My primary point is as that made by dlcockrum, what does this have to do with Wilson Speakers? I find that often threads are hijacked for purposes of getting some licks in on one's ideological opponents.   
Frankly, most threads on this site have marginal usefulness in terms of practical system building. They often go off the rails, typically by someone making a religious or political derogatory comment. That diminishes the value of the discourse even more. 

jmcgrogan2, correction; deciding whether he resembles a Darwinist zealot or religious/creationist zealot.  :) 

It's time to turn my attention to important things. Blessings to all. 

Veroman, you came off as arrogant, and I critically assessed your system.

To that you respond, " upset at work or is it at home," and "get off your horse son," and " I guess trumpism has got to you too."

I expect a higher quality of discussion.  Unless you can debate without derision I am finished discussing it with you.