Will upsampling of new DAC make lossy sound as good as Lossless

A question :


With most of new DAC’s using their upsampling make a lossy Spotify like file as good as a cd quality .

Most of the DAC’s I see move every file to a very high sampling rate and do a lot of  behind the scene adjustments.

will this “ fill in the blanks “ for lost data and make it good as the original?




Showing 1 response by mike_in_nc

"Good" is subjective. It might, it might not, depending on the listener.

I’ve not found upsampling to be uniformly positive; sometimes, it makes things sound worse to me. Also, I don't care for lossy audio unless I'm in a noisy location like a gym or car where I can't hear the difference. So to your question, to my ears, the answer would be


The missing information cannot be restored accurately from what is left. If it could, it would not be information.