Will there be a dramatic difference?

I currently am running my Thiel CS 7 speakers on a 25 year old Carver amp I have an amazing Audible Illusions modulus phono preamp. It all sounds pretty incredible. I am considering Parasound a 21 and I’m wondering if that upgrade will make a dramatic difference in the way my system sounds overall? Would it definitely be worth the investment?


Showing 1 response by waytoomuchstuff


You’re a few hours into the breakin. Things will sound better. Probably by the end of the day today.

There’s a difference between a pragmatic rationalist who desires to get to the end result with the minimal investment in time (and, money), and a hobbyist. Neither approach is "right" or "wrong." They’re just different.

Hope the A21 lights you up soon. Hopefully, no drugs required.