Will the placement of casters on speaker stands degrade the performance

I recently purchased a new (used) pair of Magnapan 3.7i's.  They replaced a pair of 1.7's.  when I got the 1.7's I worked for weeks to get them tuned to the room.  At the end of that process, the 1.7's were like magic.  I am now going through the same process with the 3.7i's.  As I am getting older, the 3.7's (with Mye Stands) are much harder to move on my carpet.  My Question - Will placing casters under the stands degrade the sound quality and does anyone know the bolt and thread size for the Mye stands.  I would kindly appreciate knowledge, advice, opinion, etc.
Thanks in advance, js 

Showing 2 responses by tsushima1

Very nice transducers john....Given the dipole dispersal pattern of your planers and the reduced nature of interaction with your floor, as compared with conventional drivers, I doubt very much whether the casters will have any significant detriment to sound quality until you hit on their exact placement in your room and you can replace them with a more secure foundation method.

Fear not....millercarbon will be alone shortly to persuade you to spend a small fortune on his patrons springy product range..

”Put the casters on a platform, put Podiums on the platform, put the speakers on the Podiums.”

And there we have it folks... Its miller’Shiller’’carbon time