Will the placement of casters on speaker stands degrade the performance

I recently purchased a new (used) pair of Magnapan 3.7i's.  They replaced a pair of 1.7's.  when I got the 1.7's I worked for weeks to get them tuned to the room.  At the end of that process, the 1.7's were like magic.  I am now going through the same process with the 3.7i's.  As I am getting older, the 3.7's (with Mye Stands) are much harder to move on my carpet.  My Question - Will placing casters under the stands degrade the sound quality and does anyone know the bolt and thread size for the Mye stands.  I would kindly appreciate knowledge, advice, opinion, etc.
Thanks in advance, js 

Showing 1 response by millercarbon

Two ways casters harm sound quality. Main one is vibration control. Whatever the speakers are on has a huge effect on sound quality. Casters are rubber wheels on bearings, with some rake angle thrown in for good measure. None of this is good. All guaranteed to smear transients and lose fine detail. 

Second way is casters swivel around, making accurate speaker placement a lot harder, and leveling all but impossible. The speakers will never sound as good simply because they can never be in exactly the right place. 

I get why someone who has to move big heavy speakers around would be willing to put up with all of that, it is nothing compared to the hernia, ruptured disk or good old back pain you can get wrestling big speakers around. But you ask about sound quality, you get the sound quality answer: Put the casters on a platform, put Podiums on the platform, put the speakers on the Podiums.