Will my Krell drive a 2 ohm load?

Apologies for posting the question twice.  I realize the title of my first post was maybe too limiting.  The forum software won’t let me edit it.

i’ll be using my Krell KAV-250a to drive my Magnepan 3.3r bass panels in an active biamp setup along with a pair of DWM bass panels.  Together they’ll present a 2 ohm impedance load to the Krell.  Can the Krell handle that?
Ag insider logo xs@2xjji666
Too stressful for that amp! Get a pair of active subs instead of the DWM panels. Cone woofers in a well-designed enclosure have superior bass over any planar!
Really too stressful? I would guess that if any amp can take it Kell would be a good choice.  However Subs would be ideal.
thanks for your opinions!  I have 2 REL subs in this system already. The DWMs are supposed to augment higher frequencies than the subs.