Dont get sucked into the timbre match scam, any number of centers will work just fine, if you dont have the cash for a Wilson dont sweat it
Will Kef 202/2c center match Wilson Sophia mains?
Here is my question. I am looking to upgrade my center channel which is currently a Thiel SCS3. My ideal situation would be to replace it with the Wilson WATCH center in order to sonically match the best with my Wilson Sophia mains. The problem is that the center is 14" high and I am very constrained on the height of the new center speaker choice.
Currenly I have 8" height clearance and I could potentially move my plasma about 1 1/2" heigher to give me a maxumum of 9 1/2" height for the new center speaker. With these constraints in mind I have been looking at my options. It seems that the Kef reference 202/2c would meet my requirements nicely. I would love hear your thoughts on this speaker or any other suggestions. I am looking to improve the clarity of center channel and remove some the "thickness" in sound I get from the Thiel.
Here's a little more about my system:
Wilson Sohpia's powered by VTL ST-150, with VTL TL-5.5 preamp and HT bypass.
Center is Thiel SCS3, with Thiel CS 1.6 surrounds powered by Rotel RSX-1055 receiver.
Currenly I have 8" height clearance and I could potentially move my plasma about 1 1/2" heigher to give me a maxumum of 9 1/2" height for the new center speaker. With these constraints in mind I have been looking at my options. It seems that the Kef reference 202/2c would meet my requirements nicely. I would love hear your thoughts on this speaker or any other suggestions. I am looking to improve the clarity of center channel and remove some the "thickness" in sound I get from the Thiel.
Here's a little more about my system:
Wilson Sohpia's powered by VTL ST-150, with VTL TL-5.5 preamp and HT bypass.
Center is Thiel SCS3, with Thiel CS 1.6 surrounds powered by Rotel RSX-1055 receiver.