Will An Anthem AV Receiver Benefit From An Aftermarket Power Cable

I recently simplified my home theater system by moving from
separates to an Anthem AV receiver. The Anthem is internally
grounded so the stock rubber cable has just two prongs.

So would there be a benefit to getting an aftermarket cable?

In my analog system, I use Cullen or similar priced cables,
I would be in the same price range for the receiver.





Showing 2 responses by soix

@ericsch just curious how the Anthem compares to your older Marantz.  My experience with Marantz is that it skews to to the warmer side and lacks detail up top, which I’d think the Anthem would excel in.  Your thoughts?

Agree with @auxinput but, if this is strictly a home theater system you have to ask if the sonic benefits will really matter to you in the end. The small nuances that matter a lot to me in 2-channel and that a better PC can surely bring out — not so much important to me in HT.  BTW, I also use Cullen power cables in my HeadFi setup and think he provides great build quality and value.