Will an Amp change improve my system ?

My system is WiiM pro ( a great device for $149 !) and a Cambridge CXC V2 CD transport for digital input going into a Schiit Yggdrasil+ DAC going to a Schiit Freya+ preamp into a PS Audio S300 amp into Harbeth 30.2 XD speakers. I am considering replacing the S300 with one of the following: PASS XA-25, Coda S5.5, Benchmark AHB2, or tube Primaluna EVO 400, used Rogers EHF-100 or 200, used Luxman MQ 88uc. I like my current system and wonder if an amp change would improve it significantly ?


Showing 1 response by rbstehno

My opinion: run away from benchmark unless you like highly detailed sound! Check out the newer PS Audio amps/integrated amps, much better sounding than their older stuff. In the past, I purchased the top of the line Hegel integrated amps over the pass integrated, the Hegel sounded more natural and had a lot more power. Then when I got bigger speakers I went with the newer BHK PS Audio separate amp. Even the new class D ps audio amps sound very good.
Another opinion since your all digital like I am, I go straight from my dac to my amp, no need for a preamp as long as your dac has very good volume control. When I sold off all my analog stuff many years ago, I had a $5000 preamp and when I bypassed the preamp and went straight from the dac to the amp, sq improved, so I sold the preamp with the extra set of cables.