Wide dispersion speakers for a large room

I'd like some advice/suggestions for speakers to use in a large room (25 x 40) with a cathedral ceiling. They'll be placed on the long wall. Imaging ability isn't terribly important as I'll be listening from different locations in the room.

My budget is $3500. Because of the room, speaker placement will be no more than a couple of feet from the wall, but nowhere near any side walls.

Are there any designs or brands that suit my situation better than others? (e.g., are ribbon tweeters better or worse than dome). I'been thinking hard about the Revel Performa3 F206, ProAc D20R, Spendor D7. These are all close to my budget if bought used.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by erik_squires

oh, of course, another brand I consider wide dispersion is Magico.  Really wide listening sweet spot.
For the size of the room, and I assume untreated, perhaps a JBL horn loaded design will suit your needs?