Why would a moderator remove a cable review?

I put together what I thought was thorough review of the newest Cerious Technologies line of cables and it was just removed by a moderator for:

“Content may be removed for one or more of these reasons:

  • It looked like spam
  • It was abusive towards another member
  • It depicts explicit and/or violent content
  • It contains profanity

Please make sure your submissions comply with our guidelines”

I don’t see where I violated any of the stated policy.



Showing 3 responses by jjss49

moderators can be overwhelmed, sometimes they will delete something simply because it is requested by someone to do so... they often can’t get into thinking about things too deeply, too much, kind of a better safe than sorry approach

as users here, i think most of us don’t appreciate how much cr#p tammy and her colleagues have to deal with

just making sure nobody is confused here about what audiogon is

it is a for-profit site... and the discussion forum exists to support the main site, which makes money when items are advertised, bought and sold and so on

as users of the discussion forum, we have privileges to post and participate purely at the pleasure of the site owner and their admins, which they manage according to their best interests (which may or may not coincide with that of any user) ... they owe us nothing as users, we have zero entitlements