Why so many amplifiers for sale?

I remember not so long ago when these things were the hot ticket item, touted by all the reviewers as the next-big-thing, giant-killer, blah blah blah. Once again, all of the hype proves to be just that, and now I count literally hundreds of them for sale. So what's the deal? Nobody likes amplifiers anymore? Moving onto some other world beater of a component, I suppose? Go on, tell me it's just because so many of them were sold, hence the vast sea of available product on the used marketplace. I don't buy it. Just like everything else, they've come and gone. Their fifteen minutes of fame are now over. CD players, too. Have you seen how many of those are up for sale? Tossed into the classifieds like a weathered mistress. I knew it was coming, and that's why I've been sticking to singing in the shower. None of this fly-by-night hobby plunging for me. I'm much too smart to get caught up in that.

And by the way, am I still in business? I've been e-mailing myself all week, and get no response.

Showing 1 response by grannyring

I am to blame for many as I try one after the other. Ha! I think I have found the answer. We all like change as our ears become bored or used to a particular sound. Often times we think another amp sounds better, but in fact it simply sounds different. This is particularly true of two great sounding amps.

So I now own two great amps. One tube and one SS. I use one for several weeks and then use the other. I enjoy both and the sound change is fresh to me and my ears. Each time I switch I sear the amp hooked up is better. Funny how that works. Seems to keep me excited and off the amp buying cycle.

That is my experience.
