Why no pics on A’gon Forum?

Unless I’m missing something, it is not possible to post pics on the Forum. Other sites like What’s Best Forum allow this and it is very useful.  

I sent in a feature request.  Please consider doing the same if you’d like this functionality.  

A’gons’s customer support contact page has such a link.  Should be a simple improvement to the site.  


Does not direct to library of camera.  At least in my iPhone. It is a URL link page.


In fact I just tried to paste a screenshot of the “photo” link and couldn’t.  

it's a forum engine from the 20th century (like many of us). It lacks major features that's considered normal these days. But once you get used to it, it does what it's supposed to. It's like a serious book, no pictures :)

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The only way I have found is to create a free account on an image hosting site and then post references to uploaded images. It’s a pain, and only reserved for posts that demand images to make a point. I am guessing they don’t want to pay for storage costs for all the images that would get posted, not to mention policing them. 

Download the pic to your A'Gon system listing and then link that to your post.

When composing your post the "show link" icon looks like a paperclip and it's just to the right of the smily face.



I'm not computer savvy, so don't know how to "size" images, but here's a go from the only pic I have with my A'Gon system (something my wife had stored on the computer with other cat pics).

My moniker pic is from the same batch (his name is Chick-Savoy).




the photo must be on the web (thus the idea to upload it into a virtual system you create

you can make virtual systems here, I made 8, then I added a 9th called misc. info just to upload pics I want to post. add, delete, leave to post again .....

when writing or editing a post: top row, 6th icon is ’image’. 11th icon is ’link’.

image: you cut and paste an ’image address’;

it was working great, lately my images are coming in, but distorted,


so I did the copy and paste method (of an image already uploaded in my virtual system), and it worked


link: you cut and paste a link, url

you can name a link anything you want, my 9 virtual systems link

IF you copy and paste a photo from your computer, it looks like it will work, until you click 'save', then it disappears.